Sara Fowler - The Amazing Race Cast Member

Age: 27
Hometown: Baltimore, Md.
Current occupation: Luxury Real Estate Agent
Teammate: Shamir Arzeno

Describe what you do: I help clients sell and purchase high-end luxury real estate from the U.S. Virgin Islands all the way to California. I am also a certified Yoga instructor and teach privately.

3 words to describe you: Loving, intelligent and gregarious.

Favorite hobbies: Yoga, beach volleyball, hiking, boating, traveling, basketball, snorkeling, anything active and outdoors!

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? I’m most proud that I followed my intuition and moved to the Virgin Islands, leaving behind my nursing career and the life I had created in my hometown of Baltimore. In doing so, I not only established a successful real estate career, allowing me to pursue my love for adventure and travel; but I also gained a sense of confidence that inspires me to pursue all of my goals without fear or hesitation.

What scares you most about traveling? Nothing… Well, maybe the drinking water in certain countries.

What excites you most about traveling? While traveling, I totally get off on throwing myself into situations of uncertainty and figuring it out as I go along. I’m most looking forward to the unknown! I can’t wait to find out how I react in crazy stressful situations while simultaneously diving into new and beautiful cultures.

What qualities do you hope your partner has? I hope that my partner is physically strong, smart (preferably a math wiz) and down to earth/humble.

What qualities will be hard for you to put up with in a partner? With a background as a pediatric psych nurse, I have proven capable of handling pretty much any kind of personality. I would find it most difficult to deal with a partner who displays arrogance and negativity. The Amazing Race is an adventure of a lifetime. If I was partnered with someone who didn’t truly appreciate this once in a lifetime experience due to his/her ego, I would be super bummed. Positive vibes only!

What do you think will be the biggest challenge you and your teammate face? One of the greatest assets to any team is effective communication. Because this season is so unique in that we are all strangers, it may be challenging (but imperative) to quickly learn one another’s communication styles and preferences. Without good communication, we are toast!

What country and place would you most like to visit and why? I have always wanted to visit Southeast Asia- specifically Thailand.

What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? I hope to experience as many cultures as possible while making lifelong friends along the way.

Follow on Twitter: @SaraLynnFowler
Follow on Instagram: @sarafowler_
