Ew, Are Ben Rathbun and Mahogany Roca Returning to 90 Day Fiance?

This spring, Mahogany Roca ominously hinted that she was still dating Ben Rathbun.

Ben is way older. He also comes across as a total creep, refusing to accept blame even as he crossed major boundaries.

Many fans hated their storyline, especially after seeing their painfully awkward interactions.

Unfortunately, it looks like they’re still together. Worse, they also appear to be filming for a new season.

Normally, if we want to look up a former 90 Day Fiance couple’s status, we check social media.

Specifically, Instagram is usually a pretty good indicator of where people stand. For now, anyway.

But Ben Rathbun and Mahogany Roca are not currently on Instagram. Not publicly.

Ben has one of his accounts, but does not appear to use it. Mahogany has ghosted the app.

The reason is that the two launched a joint YouTube channel to answer fan questions.

Well … that was their alleged reason for moving to YouTube, which is sometimes easier to monetize.

(On Instagram, at least some people have to like you for you to get paid. On YouTube, hate-watching pays the bills)

But Ben and Mahogany did not actually reveal anything to fans or answer their questions.

That might not be their fault, actually.

See, when cast members are under NDAs, they can’t do their very own at-home tell-all segments.

(Stephanie Davison did one, but it was after her season. Considering what she went through, she may be a special case)

Mahogany and Ben may still be unable to share their status … especially if they’re filming again.

A Reddit denizen using the handle Even_Whole5242 saw Mahogany and Ben together in Peru.

As you can see above, there are photos of the two celebrating Fiestas Patrias — Peru’s independence from Spain.

What’s more, Ben and Mahogany were not alone. Cameras and presumably producers were following them.

The most logical conclusion to draw from this is simple: Ben and Mahogany are filming another season.

They could be filming Before The 90 Days. It could also be something worse.

Late summer of 2022? Season 10 of 90 Day Fiance — the flagship series — might be filming some couples soon.

But … do viewers really want to see Ben and Mahogany’s toxic nonsense play out?

While we’ll admit that it’s better than watching Dane Cook’s barely legal love life, a relationship needn’t be illegal to be creepy.

And the way that Ben uses his religion to try to justify every unnerving step of their romance does not help matters.

Besides, a lot of their drama seemed as fake as Mahogany’s apartment. And her filters.

Don’t get us wrong, we’re not conspiracy theorists who think that the show is “scripted” or that TLC paired up the couples.

But the way that the show strung along viewers with the question of whether Mahogany is real or not … it just went on for too long.

Honestly, the highlight of Ben and Mahogany’s storyline on Before The 90 Days was Ben’s friend Jessica’s change of heart.

After all that she saw and heard during their season and the Tell All, she felt sorry for Mahogany and condemned Ben.

While we heard that they made up later, we’d love to see Jessica return for Pillow Talk.
