Jill's Horrible Book Is WAY Worse Than Anything Josh Did!

Earlier this month, Jill Duggar published her debut memoir, and as expected, the book did not depict her parents in a flattering light.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar lashed out at Jill before the book even hit stores, accusing their second eldest daughter of lying in order to gain sympathy.

Jill was mostly estranged from her parents before she started writing the book, but insiders say the two sides are more at odds than ever these days.

In fact, it seems that Jim Bob and Michelle have made it clear that they want nothing do with Jill.

According to a new report from In Touch, those who know them best say they’ve never seen Jill’s parents more furious.

One source says the couple has been keeping up appearances in public, but “behind the scenes, Jim Bob and Michelle are seething.”

“Not only has Jill humiliated them by sharing private family information, but they feel she’s depicted them as monsters. For Jill to tell her story without their consent is seen as a betrayal,” the source claims.

“The shocking thing is, in Jim Bob and Michelle’s eyes, this book with harm the family more than Josh’s abuse scandal did.”

Yes, even though Josh Duggar is serving a 151-month sentence in federal prison on child pornography charges, it seems that Jill is the Duggar offspring who has let her parents down the most.

The situation is made even more appalling by the fact that Josh molested Jill when she was still a child.

But this disgusting favoritism is nothing new to Jill, who alleged in her book that Jim Bob and Michelle still defend Josh’s actions.

“Watching the way my parents protected my brother … it’s still hard to swallow,” she wrote, recalling an incident in which she said to Jim Bob, “You treat me worse than you treat my pedophile brother.”

But Jim Bob and Michelle value their public image above all else, and they believe that no one has caused them more damage in that regard than Jill.

“Jim Bob and Michelle are so focused on their image and their standing in their community,” says a source,.

“Jill believes they prioritize that over their family’s happiness.”

In a move that 100 percent corroborates Jill’s assessment of the situation, Jim Bob and Michelle have been issuing statements in which they throw their daughter under the bus in order to protect their reputation.

“We love all of our children very much. As with any family, few things are more painful than conflicts or problems among those you love,” the couple said.

“We do not believe the best way to resolve conflicts, facilitate forgiveness and reconciliation, or to communicate through difficulties, is through the media.”

And yet, they went and attacked their daughter through the media!

It’s almost like Jim Bob and Michelle are horrible hypocrites who don’t stand for anything and will do whatever it takes to remain semi-famous!
