Jimmy Kimmel Shows Octomom Porn Pics to L.A. Residents, Films Mortified Reactions

Just to recap, a mentally unbalanced woman with six children somehow got a doctor to impregnate her with octuplets, and is now filming porn to provide for them.

Jimmy Kimmel helpfully reminded us of this last night before showing unsuspecting L.A. residents a side of Nadya “Octomom” Suleman they’d never seen.

Nor would they ever, ever wish to.

Kimmel couldn’t show the Octomom porn photos on TV, but he could show passersby the images and film their reactions, which were less than glowing.

The shots from the upcoming film, titled Octomom: Home Alone, led to some strong responses. “I’m about to throw up in my mouth,” one woman said.

“Maybe Rick Santorum was on to something with that banning porn idea,” Kimmel added, later lamenting that “I think porn has jumped the shark.”

Nadya Suleman has that effect on things. Namely porn and IVF.
