The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 15 Recap: All Bets Are Off

Last night on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 15, things picked up right where they left off, and that meant:

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Luann de Lesseps rambling on and on about how in love she was and wondering why the other women refused to be happy for her.

Eventually, she stormed out, but the drama on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 15 was just getting underway.

Specifically, with Jules Wainstein grilling Bethenny Frankel about whether Bethenny had or had not texted her after Jules’ vagina injury.

That’s a sentence for all time. Her co-star’s response?

"I have my own vagina problems," Bethenny joked to the cameras, while to Jules, Frankel insisted she had responded more than sufficiently.

"This is really stupid," Jules said, clearly disagreeing.

"Stupid is as stupid does," Bethenny snapped back.

That hit a nerve and Jules promptly lost her s–t.

"I’m not stupid, and I’m really sick of you portraying me as stupid!" Wainstein shouted. "Your sense of humor is on other people’s expense."

Jules also accused Bethenny of talking smack about her marriage behind her back, which Frankel denied, and Dorinda Medley interjected.

"I think there’s speculation that their marriage isn’t doing well," she said of Jules Wainstein and her husband, and apparently it was true.

They are now getting divorced, as we reported.

Dorinda noted that she had nothing to do with rumors spread about Jules’ marriage, and was concerned about Jules’ eating disorder.

"Don’t talk about me behind my back!" Jules responded. "I may be very skinny, and you may not like how skinny I am, but I love my body!"

Yikes. Bethenny then admitted her own struggles with eating issues and how she worried that being around Jules would act as a trigger.

It was then that Jules’ tone shifted dramatically.

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"Three days ago, I thew up my food," Jules admitted, perhaps disarmed by Bethenny’s honesty and brutal truth. "I’m not going to lie."

"Respect that I’m saying this. It’s humiliating."

As that sunk in, Ramona Singer suggested they all go to Mohegan Sun. Which is a totally logical place for her mind to go after that.

Ramona also had it out with Luann, who again bristled at the notion that the other cast members weren’t over the moon with joy for her.

"You’re just in lust right now," Ramona replied.

"A smart woman said," she added, "that it takes a full year, four different seasons, to get to know someone … it doesn’t take four weeks."

Luann was unmoved, and equally quick to deny, again, the concept that she stole this knight in shining armor from anyone else.

"You don’t steal a man away from a woman," Lu told the cameras. "A man leaves willingly. Tom and I met. There was magic. End of story."

Meanwhile, Sonja Morgan hosted a dinner party, where they discussed the events we had all just seen … and then it was casino time.

Oh yes. Party bus style.

Jules, Dorinda, Sonja, Ramona and Carole all hopped on board and en route to Connecticut, began discussing Luann (who else).

She’d gotten engaged, which they learned from the media like the rest of us, rather than from Lu herself, which they all felt was odd.

Bethenny then talked behind Jules’ back, yet within earshot of Jules, which may or may not have been intentional. It’s hard to say.

She also made up with Sonja, who was pleased as punch that her longtime frenemy decided to extend an olive branch right then.

And that about sums it up for this week. Follow the link to watch The Real Housewives of New York City online to get up to speed now.

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